BSD Transportation Center and Central Kitchen
Bethel School District
See Project
·Civic & Community
Using a progressive design-build delivery model, BNBuilders and Miller Hull partnered to replace the existing Fire Stations 42 and 45 for the City of Bothell. The fire stations include several design features to support the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters’ “Healthy In, Healthy Out” manual. Dedicated hand and boot wash stations, specialty ventilation and dehumidification systems, and nonporous, nontoxic materials were used throughout the facilities. These and other features, such as providing dedicated areas for training and recovery, allow the buildings to support firefighter wellness and mitigate the physical and psychological stress firefighters face in the line of duty.
City of Bothell Fire Station 45 won a Silver Award from the ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) Engineering Excellence Awards, 2023. The category was “Future Value to the Engineering Profession”.
City of Bothell
Miller Hull
Civic & Community
Butch Noble, Deputy Chief Fire Marshal, City of Bothell